[gf-dev] glassfish 3.1.2 questions

From: <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 03:38:31 +0000


While allocating a web application program on glassfish 3.1.2,When I visit it with ie6,
This following phenomenon has taken place。
between "qin" and "qout" keepAlive timeout happened, as ※ shows, the key has been

To a good treatment way,i think even keepAlive timeout has happened between qin and qout,
Key is should not be cancelled , but can continue waiting and deal with it.
Is it right?

Trace.log of ie6 shows as follows.
"23/Apr/2014:12:05:22.485" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "conn" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:05:25.090" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "qin" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:05:51.064" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "disc" "" ※
"23/Apr/2014:12:08:59.668" "81(http-thread-pool-28292(4))" "qout" "null"
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "conn" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "qin" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "83(http-thread-pool-28292(5))" "qout" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "83(http-thread-pool-28292(5))" "recv" "GET /ServletSession/jsp/ServletSessionOut.jsp HTTP/1.1"
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "83(http-thread-pool-28292(5))" "call"
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "83(http-thread-pool-28292(5))" "rtn"
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "83(http-thread-pool-28292(5))" "send" "200" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:01.587" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "k-wt" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:09:11.727" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "disc" ""

In addition,with ie6,we see there is only a request obviously, but connection(“conn”) hava two times,
is this a style of a glassfish?
However, visit with ie8, will break directly, will not continue dealing with it.

Trace.log of ie8 shows as follows. Does it have relation with ie ?

"23/Apr/2014:12:38:49.004" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "conn" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:38:57.194" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "qin" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:39:12.654" "20(Grizzly-kernel-thread(1))" "disc" ""
"23/Apr/2014:12:39:24.572" "107(http-thread-pool-28292(13))" "qout" "null"

Thanks a lot and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,