Endorsing a different JAXP provider for OpenSAML

From: Philip Durbin <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 09:34:08 -0400


I was chatting with Ed Burns in #glassfish on freenode and he asked me
to email this list.

I'm starting to incorporate OIOSAML into but now whenever I change a
file in NetBeans 7.2.1 and redeploy to GlassFish it fails and
I have to restart GlassFish. Obviously, this is killing my
productivity. :(

Here's the error it fails with:

DTD factory class org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd.DTDDVFactoryImpl does
not extend from DTDDVFactory

I've done a fair amount of research into this and what I'm trying to
do now is endorse a different JAXP provider.

Why? Well, because OIOSAML is built on OpenSAML, and the OpenSAML docs
have this to say:

"OpenSAML relies heavily on JAXP 1.3 for low-level XML parsing and
creation. Some JREs, most notably Sun's, ship with horribly broken
JAXP implementations. As such you may (in the Sun JRE case, you must)
endorse a different JAXP provider." --

To keep this nice and reproducible, I've set up a very minimal JSF
project that includes OIOSAML and where I can easily reproduce the
error with the equivalent of:

asadmin redeploy --name myapp myapp.war

Here's my write up of the minimal app and the Xerces DTDDVFactory

In my latest comment on that issue, I pointed Ed at my first attempt
to endorse a different JAX provider, like the OpenSAML docs suggest:

He said he'd take a look but he had a meeting to run to and asked that
I email this list:

I'm new to Maven so please forgive my inexperience in this area. If
anyone can suggest changes to my pom file, please let me know!

