Thanks oracle and team make glassfish continue forward and more open!
Specially thanks sahoo, siva, hong and tom including Ancoron give me
many help on technology.
Come on, work harder!
Happy new year!
Sahoo wrote:
> Hi,
> I am pleased to announce that Tang Yong has joined GlassFish project as
> a committer. He has a been very very active in last year or so, making a
> number of useful contributions to GlassFish project, in particular to
> OSGi related modules [1] of GlassFish. His id is "codeprince."
> Tang has a Masters degree in Computer Science and Technology from
> Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China and is currently
> working for "Nanjing Fujitsu Nanda Software Technology Co., Ltd (FNST)
> [2]," which is a joint venture between Fujitsu Limited and Nanjing
> University of China.
> On behalf of the GlassFish team, Tang Yong, Welcome aboard!
> Sahoo
> [1]
> [2]