Any question about naming sun-acc.xml and sun-cmp-mappings.xml

From: lvsongping <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 09:59:01 +0900

Dear Hong:


    When I was watching the application deployment guide in ,

I have found nearly all of the files are started with "glassfish" except
sun-acc.xml and sun-cmp-mappings.xml, I have two questions about these.

1) Why don't unite the sun-acc.xml and sun-cmp-mappings.xml to the same
scenario to the other files(which is started with "glassfish")?

2) Whether it will come true about change the file name about
sun-acc.xml and sun-cmp-mappings.xml to the scenario as

glassfish-acc.xml and glassfish-cmp-mappings.xml in the future?



