Re: HEADS UP: new enforced JDK 6 version for GlassFish trunk build

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 09:27:42 -0700 (PDT)

One update: minimal version will be set to JDK 6u33 since that's the last available update for MacOS and issue has been resolved there. So, you can use JDK 6u33 or higher.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 4:15:09 PM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: HEADS UP: new enforced JDK 6 version for GlassFish trunk build

Please read on if you work on current GlassFish trunk workspace.

We recently discovered JDK 6 compiler issue which is blocking pending REST checkin. In order to resolve the issue, we must enforce the use of JDK 6u34 (i.e. 1.6.0_34) as minimal JDK version used to compile GlassFish workspace. So, if you currently use JDK 6 for GlassFish trunk compilation please upgrade your JDK installation to JDK 6u34 otherwise your build will fail once I check in maven-enforcer-plugin configuration change. If you already use JDK 7, you don't need to do anything to your build environment.

I will check in maven-enforcer-plugin configuration change today at 7:30 PM CET/10:30 AM PST.

