[Problem]About Glassfish OBR Integration

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 12:44:34 +0900

Dear Sahoo,

I have noticed that main/repo-import/glassfish-obr-builder module
seemed to integrate obr, right?

If yes, I have the following problems,

1) status of the module
Is the moudle ready to implement OSGi RFC-0112 Bundle Repository?
If yes, why not integration Apache Felix OSGi Bundle Repository?

2) mean of GF OBR Integration
From, having the
following goal,

OBR integration: We plan to have OBR integration in place so that
GlassFish deployment process can resolve dependencies of bundles via
OBR. OBR integration will also help us having a better provisioning
story for embedded glassfish use case, for we can then provide a la
carte access to GF modules via OBR.

About the above goal, I considered the following use cases:

$B-!(B GlassFish-Self modules's provisioning
For a user, he/she maybe only use a few function of glassfish/modules,
by using obr, glassfish's installation may be more "thiner", that is to
say, user needs not to install some modules which he/she is not ready to
use firstly in order to save the resouces.

$B-"(B Glassfish-Outside modles's provisioning
Liking apache ace and karaf, by using obr, will give user more strenth
to deploy a big app, and I will spend some time to investigate it.

So, what I said is right?

--Best Regard!