Re: About GLASSFISH-18861

From: Shing Wai Chan <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 10:07:40 -0700

On 7/23/12 8:00 AM, Hong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Jeremy
> Thanks for looking into the issue. A few comments:
> 1. The set command is a generic command and should not contain
> anything specific (like context root).
> 2. Just checking the context root in domain.xml does not guarantee
> it to be unique, as the context roots used in the ear application are
> not in the domain.xml. And also the context root just needs to be
> unique per virtualserver, so applications could use same context root
> if the applications are loaded on different virtual servers. I had
> actually discussed with Shingwai on whether we should do
> pre-validation for context root, Shingwai mentioned it will be tricky
> to get this part of check correct, so the current logic is done in web
> container when the application is being loaded where all necessary
> information are available.
> Probably once Shingwai checks in fix for 18866, this issue will be
> mostly fixed too.
I will checkin the fix once the svn is opened.
Shing Wai Chan
> Thanks,
> - Hong
> On 7/23/2012 4:45 AM, Lv Songping wrote:
>> Dear Hong Zhang
>> Cc:glassfish admin team,Tom
>> I have revised the issue(GLASSFISH-18861) about the " After setting
>> context root of two wars which deployed on the server target with the
>> same
>> value,both of the two wars accessed failed " and reflected the modified
>> files into and please
>> review
>> it and give me some advices.
>> I think it should be an admin-cli issue related to the set
>> method in
>>, it set the new values into domain.xml file before
>> check the
>> situation whether the contextroot is already used by another
>> applications on
>> the same target. I have defined two method called isCtxRootexist and
>> validateTargetDup to check whether the contextroot is already exists
>> on the
>> same target.
>> The issue url is as follows:
>> --Best Regards
>> --Jeremy Lv