Re: Any use of corba API & pfl-* jars in nucleus?

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 10:38:07 +0530


The pfl libraries are used by gmbal which kernel imports. So, you can't
probably remove the pfl jars. The corba ones should be doable.


On Tuesday 07 February 2012 06:27 AM, Cheng Fang wrote:
> In issue, I've moved
> glassfish-naming module out of nucleus. Glassfish-naming has
> dependency on glassfish-corba-internal-api and
> glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar, which in turn also brings in 6 pfl-*.jar.
> I've searched in my workspace and didn't find any other referencing
> modules.
> I'd like to double check whether any other nucleus modules also
> depends on these 8 jars:
> glassfish-corba-internal-api
> glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar
> nucleus/modules/pfl-asm.jar
> pfl-basic-tools.jar
> pfl-basic.jar
> pfl-dynamic.jar
> pfl-tf-tools.jar
> pfl-tf.jar
> If the answer is no, then we can remove above jars from nucleus
> altogether. appserver distribution has its own packaging mechanism
> to include them, so I think removing them from nucleus packaging would
> not impact appserver distribution.
> Your feedback is much appreciated.
> -cheng