Re: Any use of corba API & pfl-* jars in nucleus?

From: Cheng Fang <>
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 17:58:27 -0500

Thanks, Sahoo. I will request to remove the 2 corba jars from nucleus.


On 2/7/12 12:08 AM, Sahoo wrote:
> Cheng,
> The pfl libraries are used by gmbal which kernel imports. So, you
> can't probably remove the pfl jars. The corba ones should be doable.
> Sahoo
> On Tuesday 07 February 2012 06:27 AM, Cheng Fang wrote:
>> In issue, I've moved
>> glassfish-naming module out of nucleus. Glassfish-naming has
>> dependency on glassfish-corba-internal-api and
>> glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar, which in turn also brings in 6
>> pfl-*.jar. I've searched in my workspace and didn't find any other
>> referencing modules.
>> I'd like to double check whether any other nucleus modules also
>> depends on these 8 jars:
>> glassfish-corba-internal-api
>> glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar
>> nucleus/modules/pfl-asm.jar
>> pfl-basic-tools.jar
>> pfl-basic.jar
>> pfl-dynamic.jar
>> pfl-tf-tools.jar
>> pfl-tf.jar
>> If the answer is no, then we can remove above jars from nucleus
>> altogether. appserver distribution has its own packaging mechanism
>> to include them, so I think removing them from nucleus packaging
>> would not impact appserver distribution.
>> Your feedback is much appreciated.
>> -cheng