3.1.2 Bug Swat Meetings

From: Joe Di Pol <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 17:17:21 -0800

We will hold our first 3.1.2 Bug Swat Meeting this Wed (12/21) at 9AM PT.
You're excited, I know. Details:

We will start by focusing on P1/P2 issues on the 3_1_2-review (scrubbed
bugs tagged for 3.1.2) and unscrubbed lists:

P1/P2 Review

P1/P2 Unscrubbed

If you have any issues on either of these lists you must:

* Attend the BugSwat meeting to provide status on the issue(s) you own.

-- or --

* Prior to the BugSwat meeting send email to Joe with status on the
   issue(s) you own.

-- or --

* Clear the issue from the release by closing it, reducing the priority,
   excluding it, etc. Make sure to add a comment to the bug explaining why.

What kind of status am I looking for? I basically want to
know if you plan on addressing the issue in 3.1.2, and if
you are which build are you targeting. If not, then scrub it!

And please continue to scrub your P3 issues too since we will
start to look at those in future BugSwat meetings:



Thanks! Joe