Re: GlassFish 3.1.2 SCF on Monday 12/12/11

From: Sathyan Catari <>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 22:34:39 -0800

Another reminder..

On 12/7/11 11:32 AM, Sathyan Catari wrote:
> All,
> A friendly reminder about this upcoming milestone at *11:59 pm PST on
> 12/12/2011*.
> We have made great progress so far(Thanks!) on achieving our SCF goals to
> * Complete planned component upgrades/integrations
> * Evaluate and Identify incoming and existing bugs to be fixed in
> this release
> * Resolve critical fixes including customer escalations and
> community requests
> * Implement and hand over new product features for testing
> but we are not done yet. More data on *release contents including bugs
> dashboard *can be viewed
> through this public 3.1.2 page
> @
> From now until SCF, please concentrate on all of the tasks related to
> reaching our goals
> listed above.
> All of the bug fixes post SCF, have to go through the bugswat/review
> process, so this is your
> last window of opportunity to make hassle-free bug fixes :-).
> Let us work together to prepare another high quality, feature-rich
> release of GlassFish reach
> the market in time.
> Thank you
> Sathyan