Re: copyright checker maven plugin

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 17:46:04 -0400

I would ask that it not be in the glassfish repo as projects outside
glassfish depend on it. We can't use it in grizzly if we have to build
glassfish first. I suppose we could end run the circular dep with
profiles but that doesn't really those grizzly contributors who don't
have glassfish to build.

On 8/10/11 4:52 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> I've turned my copyright checker into a maven plugin.
> Who can review the code for me?
> What groupID/artifactID should I use for it?
> Currently I'm using org.glassfish:glassfish-copyright-maven-plugin.
> Should I create a new module under trunk to contain it? (Where are
> all the
> other plugins these days? Should I put it there?)
> Jane Young wrote on 07/27/11 12:30 PM:
>> We can probably add a mojo to our existing maven-glassfishbuild-plugin
>> to check for copyright header.
>> We probably want to display a warning, not failing the build.
>> However, it will be hard for the user to notice this warning in the
>> build output.
>> Another option is to add profile in the build that checks for copyright
>> header.
>> What do you prefer?
>> On 7/27/11 12:19 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> Tim Quinn wrote on 07/27/11 11:41 AM:
>>>> On Jul 27, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
>>>>> KUDOS to whomever invented and implemented this idea. I almost
>>>>> always forget
>>>>> to update the copyright year. ..
>>>> Indeed.
>>>> Now, if this technology can be built into a maven plug-in that's run
>>>> automatically as part of our builds in our own workspaces, so we can
>>>> find out
>>>> BEFORE we check in the offending files...
>>> Where's that "Beginner's Guide to Writing Maven Plugins"? :-)
>>> What's an existing (simple) maven plugin that does something similar,
>>> i.e., analyzes all the source code in a project?