Re: Question About Create-System-Properties Subcommand

From: Jennifer Chou <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:32:48 -0400

Try escaping the '=' in the value with '\':

asadmin --port 4849 create-system-properties --target server-config
redirect_1="from\=/webtogo url-prefix\=/mobile"

On 4/12/2011 3:26 AM, Yi Yang wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> I was trying to add an URL redirect property to the server-config,
> here's my command,
> ------------
> C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin>asadmin --port 4849
> create-system-properties --targe
> t server-config redirect_1="from=/webtogo url-prefix=/mobile"
> ------------
> However, I receive the this error message:
> ------------
> remote failure: Unknown plain text format. A properly formatted
> response from a
> PlainTextActionReporter
> always starts with one of these 2 strings:
> PlainTextActionReporterSUCCESS or Pla
> inTextActionReporterFAILURE. The response we received from the server
> was not u
> nderstood: Signature-Version: 1.0
> message: Invalid property syntax, "=" in value: redirect_1=from=/webto
> go url-prefix=/mobileInvalid property syntax, "=" in value: redirect_
> 1=from=/webtogo url-prefix=/mobile
> cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property syntax, "=
> " in value: redirect_1=from=/webtogo url-prefix=/mobile
> children: Usage: create-system-properties
> [--target <target(default:s
> erver)>] [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]]
> (name=value)[:name=valu
> e]*
> use-main-children-attribute: false
> children-type: null
> exit-code: FAILURE
> -------------
> Am I using the right subcommand of asadmin, if not, then how could I
> add this property with asadmin command?
> Thanks very much!
> Best regards,
> Jerry Yang
> Oracle Berkeley DB Group