Re: Admin Gui Issues

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 11:36:22 -0700

Hi Roger,

You get the login screen if anonymous login is not allowed. My build
version is 45883 and i didn't see this issue. Hudson is running fine
too. I am not sure what triggers the login screen in your
environment. Is there error in your server.log ?


On 4/4/11 11:04 AM, Roger Kitain wrote:
> Hello Anissa -
> I just recently (today) updated my GlassFish trunk (revision 45889)
> and built it.
> I unzip the distribution, and start it up.
> But when I run the admin gui it promps me for username/password.
> I recall seeing some discussion on this previously, but I'm not sure
> if there
> was an answer to it.
> -roger