Re: Clusters, stand-alone instances and Directory deployment

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 16:36:59 -0600

Hi, Vince.

On Feb 25, 2011, at 3:26 PM, Vince Kraemer wrote:

> If I have a stand-alone instance or a cluster that is 'all local',
> can I use directory deployment with that target?


In fact, the requirement is that the DAS and all the instances which
are targets - whether on the same host or on different hosts - all
"see the same files" when they look in the directory being deployed.
This will certainly be true if the instances are on the same system,
but it can be true for instances on different hosts as well.
Typically that's done using a network file system of some sort.

And by "see the same files" we mean that the instances and the DAS see
the same file paths for all files contained in the directory tree
being deployed. For this to work, all systems involved need to mount
the network file system with the same top-level name so that each
system's /a/b/c/x.jar (for example) represents the same file.

> Is there a way to query that a target is valid for directory
> deployment BEFORE I attempt to use directory deployment on a
> target? (Note: the query doesn't need to be a single asadmin
> command... but that would be a nice surprise)
There is no supported, published way to do this - at least not today.

- Tim

> thanks,
> vbk