Re: QL failure - needs urgent attention

From: Jane Young <>
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 04:15:35 -0800

Byron committed the fix svn rev 42597.

On 11/8/10 9:56 PM, Sanjeeb Sahoo wrote:
> Jane,
> It's about time we rolled back the change that triggered this failure.
> I understand this is a pain, but we have to save valuable time wasted
> by every developer. All our scripts are broken, because the QL run
> leaves behind a couple of glassfish processes which means some of us
> who have automated hudson jobs and scripts to run QL on various
> profiles on a regular basis have to now deal with this unexpected
> situation.
> Have we at least identified the check-in that caused this failure in
> the first place?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo