Re: Behavior of asadmin stop-instance command

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 13:55:15 -0500

  The decision from the admin iteam meeting yesterday was to make force
a hidden option for 3.1 (_force). This will facilitate further
development of the correct behavior in 3.2, which is to have all threads
either exit for be set as daemon threads. So there will be no --force
for 3.1. However, there will be a --kill on start-domain and
start-local-instance which does a forceful termination of the process
using OS capabilities, i.e., kill -9 on Unix.


On 11/3/2010 1:36 PM, Ken wrote:
> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>> Byron Nevins wrote:
>>> Yes - that is how stop-server commands work. Before the --force
>>> option was 100% ignored. Now it is used. If you set --force to
>>> false, then the server will not stop. That's because System.exit()
>>> is not called and your server has non-daemon threads left running -
>>> so it will never stop.
> So what you are saying is, if a user types "stop-instance --force
> false", the instance does not stop. Worse, the
> instance is left in a zombie state (e.g. ORB still runs, but EJBs are
> undeployed). I don't see that this is a useful
> behavior to expose to the customer. From our meeting this morning, I
> think the docs and SQE folks agree with
> this.
> I can understand that there might be a desire to have a clean shutdown
> option (e.g. kill vs. kill -9),
> but if the clean shutdown doesn't work, we shouldn't support it. It's
> not clear to me what your
> plan is for MS7 (and FCS) in GF 3.1, but it seems that either
> stop-instance --force false should
> result in useful behavior (at least in a "normal" case), or
> stop-instance --force false should
> not be supported. If the --force option is needed for other plans
> (e.g. backward compatibility or
> future support), I think --force false should produce a warning and do
> nothing. Otherwise, the
> --force option should be removed.
> Another question is: how should SQE test stop-instance --force false?
> The current behavior is not
> well-defined, and cannot be tested.
> My desire here is simple: avoid situations that confuse the user. If
> the option is not useful, it
> should not be supported.
> Thanks,
> Ken.
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