Re: Rajiv, Shing-Wai, Review patch to JAVASERVERFACES-1835

From: Shing Wai Chan <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:30:45 -0800

The change looks good to me.
Shing Wai Chan

On 11/29/10 2:28 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
> Ccing internal dev list due to uncertainty about my ability to post to
> I just added an attachment with this comment:
> Hack patch to add working method to ServerConfigLookup:
> public DeploymentContext getDeploymentContext(ServletContext ctx);
> I had to hack through ApplicationContextFacade and
> ApplicationContext. This doesn't feel right, but it gets the job
> done. I'd appreciate a cleaner patch provided perhaps by Rajiv or
> Shing-wai.