Re: MacOS Java update problem?

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 12:57:30 -0700

You're not using the latest Java update. But it seems that Jerome is
and it's working for him, so it must be something wrong on my machine.

I do have JAVA_HOME set to

Everything was working fine until I updated my workspace and installed
the Java update recently.

Anyone have any idea what could cause Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub:
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jmxrmi

Jane Young wrote on 10/27/10 11:56 AM:
> QL runs fine on my Mac. I'm using java version "1.6.0_20".
> Do you have JAVA_HOME set in your environment?
> On 10/26/10 9:56 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> I am having the same jdk version as you do and no failure on my end.
>> jerome
>> On Oct 26, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> My build is working now, but quicklook is still failing, only on MacOS.
>>> Here's the failure:
>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>> [testng] admincli_tests
>>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>> [testng]
>>> [testng] Oct 26, 2010 12:41:35 PM com.sun.logging.LogDomains$1 log
>>> [testng] INFO: Cannot find javadb client jar file, derby jdbc driver will not
>>> be available by default.
>>> [testng] Oct 26, 2010 12:41:35 PM com.sun.logging.LogDomains$1 log
>>> [testng] WARNING: JDK tools.jar does not exist at
>>> /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/lib/tools.jar
>>> [testng] Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub:
>>> javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jmxrmi
>>> [testng] at
>>> Note that it can't find tools.jar. A web search suggests that maybe
>>> there shouldn't even *be* a tools.jar on MacOS, so I don't know if
>>> this is a new problem or what.
>>> I'm running:
>>> $ java -version
>>> java version "1.6.0_22"
>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04-307-10M3261)
>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-307, mixed mode)
>>> Can someone else with the same Java version of MacOS confirm that quicklook
>>> is working for you?
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