Re: What happened to MBean in GF 3.1?

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:14:55 -0700

  Vijay changed something. Check for a new mbean-server property in

On 10/1/2010 2:41 PM, Ken wrote:
> I just started a current build of GF, attached jconsole, and now I don't
> see ANY MBeans (not even the ones defined in the JDK).
> I need the AMX bootstrap MBean in order to enable all MBeans,
> including the
> ORB AMX MBeans that I use.
> Did someone change something with the MBean Server recently?
> Thanks,
> Ken.
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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188