Re: Flag Day 10/18: incompatible change: create-node-* --installdir

From: Joe Di Pol <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 11:44:15 -0700

Vince Kraemer wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> I have to ask... why does this change need to be incompatible?

Because it can be, and I want the incompatible uses of it changed.

> What prevents the command that gets the installdir argument from
> checking the value that it got from the user for the two cases and doing
> the right thing automagically for the user?

We can do that in some cases, but not all. For example with install-node
nothing exists yet, so "--installdir" must mean exactly one thing.

I'm hesitant to have some commands where "--installdir" means either
installRoot or productRoot and some commands where it means only

But after Monday I'll give this some thought.


> Case 1: i got a directory named glassfish that has the right siblings
> (javadb,mq,bin,pkg)
> Case 2: I got a directory that has the children: bin, glassfish, javadb,
> mq and pkg...
> vbk
> Joe Di Pol wrote:
>> On Monday Oct 18th I will be checking in a fix for:
>> 13834 create-node-*: --installdir should be changed to top level GF
>> directory
>> This fix will break compatibility with previous builds for the
>> create-node-* and update-node-* commands (as well as domain.xml).
>> These commands support the "--installdir" parameter to specify
>> the location of a GlassFish installation. Currently it must
>> point to the lower "glassfish" directory, as in
>> /opt/glassfish3/glassfish. But after my fix it must point to
>> the upper "glassfish3" directory. Before the change:
>> create-node-ssh --nodehost myhost --installdir
>> /opt/glassfish3/glassfish n1
>> after the change:
>> create-node-ssh --nodehost myhost --installdir /opt/glassfish3 n1
>> This change breaks compatibility with earlier builds. Previous
>> domain.xml files won't work. Any scripts or tests that use the
>> "--installdir" option may need to be changed to remove the trailing
>> "glassfish".
>> I will be updating the admin CLI dev tests, and will run those and
>> quicklook before checking in.
>> Apologies for the inconvenience, but better that we fix this now
>> while we can.
>> Joe
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