Re: Flag Day 10/18: incompatible change: create-node-* --installdir

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:17:41 -0400

Can you make sure upgrade still works before committing this? If not, it will hold up all upgrade testing while it gets sorted out.

Here are the steps to try it:

Start to finish, it takes <10 minutes to do (not including waiting on the installer to pop up the license screen).


On Oct 15, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Joe Di Pol wrote:

> On Monday Oct 18th I will be checking in a fix for:
> 13834 create-node-*: --installdir should be changed to top level GF directory
> This fix will break compatibility with previous builds for the
> create-node-* and update-node-* commands (as well as domain.xml).
> These commands support the "--installdir" parameter to specify
> the location of a GlassFish installation. Currently it must
> point to the lower "glassfish" directory, as in
> /opt/glassfish3/glassfish. But after my fix it must point to
> the upper "glassfish3" directory. Before the change:
> create-node-ssh --nodehost myhost --installdir /opt/glassfish3/glassfish n1
> after the change:
> create-node-ssh --nodehost myhost --installdir /opt/glassfish3 n1
> This change breaks compatibility with earlier builds. Previous
> domain.xml files won't work. Any scripts or tests that use the
> "--installdir" option may need to be changed to remove the trailing
> "glassfish".
> I will be updating the admin CLI dev tests, and will run those and
> quicklook before checking in.
> Apologies for the inconvenience, but better that we fix this now
> while we can.
> Joe
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