Project Mojarra Copyrights?

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 13:31:26 -0700

>>>>> On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 15:00:03 -0700, Bill Shannon <> said:

B> Unfortunately, we just found a glitch with the updated license text.
B> I'll need to do another mass update later tonight.

>>>>> On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:39:13 -0700, Bill Shannon <> said:

B> I've begun the long process of updating the copyright headers in all
B> our files. I've written a program that will check, and in many cases
B> repair, incorrect copyright headers. The program attempts to repair
B> incorrect headers in three types of files:

B> 1. files with Java comment syntax (/* ... */)
B> 2. files with XML comment syntax (<!-- ... -->)
B> 3. files with properties file comment syntax (#)

B> I've applied the program to the GlassFish workspace and checked in
B> the changes. Until that point, *all* of our copyright headers were
B> incorrect, because they were still the Sun copyright headers. My
B> program has corrected them to be the Oracle copyright headers.

Hello Bill, and thanks for taking on this thankless but necessary task.

Can you please also run this program over the Mojarra workspace?

You already have the developer role in that project, the SVN urls for
which are (HEAD and maintenance, respectively):

and we also maintain a JSF 1.2 CVS branch at

export CVSROOT=":pserver;;"
cvs checkout -r JSF_1_2X_ROLLING -d mojarra-JSF_1_2X_ROLLING javaserverfaces-sources

I have just granted you developer access to that project.

Please let me know how I can help this importanc compliance step be
completed in the JSF source code trees.

We'll need to close down the trees as you apply your changes to them.
We can certainly coordinate to ensure everything goes smoothly.



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