
From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:39:13 -0700

I've begun the long process of updating the copyright headers in all
our files. I've written a program that will check, and in many cases
repair, incorrect copyright headers. The program attempts to repair
incorrect headers in three types of files:

1. files with Java comment syntax (/* ... */)
2. files with XML comment syntax (<!-- ... -->)
3. files with properties file comment syntax (#)

I've applied the program to the GlassFish workspace and checked in
the changes. Until that point, *all* of our copyright headers were
incorrect, because they were still the Sun copyright headers. My
program has corrected them to be the Oracle copyright headers.

I'm pretty confident that case #1 is handled well for .java files,
but it also applies to .js and .css files and I'm less confident there.

Case #3 is particularly difficult. First of all, most of our properties
files don't have any copyright information. In cases where they do,
one of the challenges is that if a copyright comment is followed by
another comment, there's no obvious way to know where one ends and the
next one begins. I manually fixed a bunch of files to insert a blank
line to separate the copyright header from other comments.

In all cases my program depends on a clear separation between the
copyright content and the following content. We've already corrected
a number of cases where the closing comment characters were followed
on the same line by other content. I suspect there may be more that
I've missed.

If you find any files that were broken by the copyright update, please
let me know. And of course fix them!

You'll find more information about copyrights here:

Workspaces in addition to the main GlassFish workspace will need to be
updated as well. If you'd like to use my program to update another
workspace, send me a message directly.
