This has come up every now and then, but with the MS4 deadline people may want to check out a fresh workspace and I thought I'd share this. This is the script I use to checkout and build GF, though you can give another subversion repository as a command line argument to co/build something else.
It works on any platform (*), and it compensates for svn issues by doing a checkout, then update over and over until it succeeds. Since I can't attach .py files, you'll have to copy/paste. Then just run 'python'. Then go get some coffee or something.
(*) If you're running Windows, you may have to download Python. Or just add the Python plugin to your NetBeans installation and you'll get Jython automagically.
--- begin ---
import os
import sys
import time
print "First let's make sure everything is on your path:"
os.system('svn --version')
os.system('mvn --version')
print 'Ok, here we go...'
# by default, do GFv3
wsloc = ''
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
wsloc = sys.argv[1]
if wsloc.endswith('/'):
wsloc = wsloc[0:-1]
coworked = False
updatecount = 0
updateendtimes = {}
def timestamp():
'Returns GMT'
return time.asctime(time.gmtime())
# try to check out
svncocommand = 'svn co ' + wsloc
print 'running:', svncocommand
costarttime = timestamp()
res = os.system(svncocommand)
if res == 0:
coworked = True
costoptime = timestamp()
# now update and update and update
targetdir = wsloc.split('/')[-1]
if not os.path.exists(targetdir):
exit("Checkout really failed. Can't find: " + targetdir)
print 'Changing to directory', targetdir
svnupcommand = 'svn up'
print 'running:', svnupcommand
while True:
updatecount = updatecount + 1
res = os.system(svnupcommand)
updateendtimes[updatecount] = timestamp()
if res == 0:
# now build. comment out the 'phase1' stuff for other workspaces
buildstarttime = timestamp()
mvncommand = 'mvn -Prelease-phase1 install'
print 'runnint:', mvncommand
mvncommand = 'mvn install'
print 'runnint:', mvncommand
buildendtime = timestamp()
# print results
print '\n\nAll times are GMT. At least one update is always run.'
print 'Checkout started:', costarttime
print 'Checkout ended:', costoptime
print 'Checkout worked:', coworked
print 'Number of updates run:', updatecount
for key in updateendtimes.keys():
print 'Update', key, 'ended:', updateendtimes[key]
print 'Started building:', buildstarttime
print 'Ended building:', buildendtime
--- end ---