Re: a hopefully simple osgi question

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 20:24:58 -0400

On Aug 12, 2010, at 5:43 PM, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> Right, all of B's dependencies need to be satisfied too or else it cannot be used to satisfy A's dependency.
> We'll, change the log level and check again. If you still can't find anything, then perhaps you can set me up to reproduce i

And this was it. B and C used to be the same module (um, what's B+C?) and were split into two separate ones. They both had the same Bundle-Activator class in their pom.xml files, but that class only existed in C. Thus, B couldn't load without C present. Since the class didn't really do anything, I removed it and the references in both files and now everyone is happy.

I won't be integrating the fix for this yet, so if you want to reproduce it to check your error handling, it's simple. Just remove shoal-gms-impl.jar from the v3/modules dir and try to start the server.
