Re: Kernel Code change Review

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 12:21:20 -0700

On 7/8/10 11:24 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> The Admin Console has a request to be able to manipulate properties
> for a given ConfigBean in bulk (i.e., set 137 properties with one
> request). To do this, I need to extend the XmlActionReporter and
> JsonActionReporter objects to encode nested Lists and Maps in the
> MessageParts' properties attribute. I have attached three items: the
> diff of the changes, a simple Java class that exercises the changes,
> and the (formatted) sample output.
> I've made the changes on the REST side, but I need to commit these
> changes before the code (including unit tests!:) in the REST module
> can be committed.
> I would appreciate a review from someone familiar with this part of
> the system (and with the...authority to approve the commit). This is
> a big blocker for milestone 3 for the console.

I am ok with these changes, assuming that adding non string to prop
values do not break the other ActionReporters (i.e MF one, easy to test
by calling a few CLIs from command lines).

> Many thanks!
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