Re: Kernel Code change Review

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 14:41:07 -0500

On 7/8/10 2:21 PM, Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> On 7/8/10 11:24 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>> The Admin Console has a request to be able to manipulate properties
>> for a given ConfigBean in bulk (i.e., set 137 properties with one
>> request). To do this, I need to extend the XmlActionReporter and
>> JsonActionReporter objects to encode nested Lists and Maps in the
>> MessageParts' properties attribute. I have attached three items: the
>> diff of the changes, a simple Java class that exercises the changes,
>> and the (formatted) sample output.
>> I've made the changes on the REST side, but I need to commit these
>> changes before the code (including unit tests!:) in the REST module
>> can be committed.
>> I would appreciate a review from someone familiar with this part of
>> the system (and with the...authority to approve the commit). This is
>> a big blocker for milestone 3 for the console.
> I am ok with these changes, assuming that adding non string to prop
> values do not break the other ActionReporters (i.e MF one, easy to
> test by calling a few CLIs from command lines).
I've had this change running for over a day now, and haven't seen any
issues in using asadmin (starting and stopping domains, creating JDBC
resource and pools) and all QL tests pass.

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193