Kernel Code change Review

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 13:24:57 -0500

The Admin Console has a request to be able to manipulate properties for
a given ConfigBean in bulk (i.e., set 137 properties with one request).
To do this, I need to extend the XmlActionReporter and
JsonActionReporter objects to encode nested Lists and Maps in the
MessageParts' properties attribute. I have attached three items: the
diff of the changes, a simple Java class that exercises the changes, and
the (formatted) sample output.

I've made the changes on the REST side, but I need to commit these
changes before the code (including unit tests!:) in the REST module can
be committed.

I would appreciate a review from someone familiar with this part of the
system (and with the...authority to approve the commit). This is a big
blocker for milestone 3 for the console.

Many thanks!

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193