Re: Local Strings in GlassFish

From: vince kraemer <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:55:30 -0700

Sweet. I knew I did not know something.

Jerome Dochez wrote:
> On 7/20/10 2:55 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
>> I have a proposal for a new convention for getting localized Strings
>> at runtime. We've discussed this in Admin meetings and it was agreed
>> that it is useful.
>> Now I'm opening it up to the entire GlassFish community. Please take
>> a look at this SHORT simple proposal [1]. All comments are welcome.
>> [1]
> I have a counter proposal :)
> Let's leverage injection to figure out which instance of StringManager
> should be injected...
> For instance :
> @Service
> @PerLookup
> public class StringManager implements Injectable {
> StringManagerImpl delegate;
> public void injectedInto(Object target) {
> delegate = StringManager.getManager(target.getClass());
> }
> public String get(String label, Object... args) {
> return delegate.get(label, args);
> }
> }
> Now in the client code ...
> @Service
> public RandomCode implements RandomContract {
> @Inject
> StringManager strMgr;
> public void someMethod(....) {
> logger.log(strMgr.get("mylabe", foo, bar));
> }
> }
> The key to understand the code above is Injectable, check hk2
> javadocs, it means that the StringManager has a chance to know where
> it is being injected into...
> Advantages : no extra code needed per package, no static field
> whasoever (YEAH !), every gets garbaged collected in the right time.
> Disavantages : we have to change all StringManager pattern and it
> requires DI (habitat lookup will not work here since Injectable
> interface only works when injected).
> We should do the same thing with Logger.
> Jerome
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