Fwd: Wikis caching layer pilot

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 09:54:05 +0200

Bottom line, staying logged in always is best.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Igor Minar <>
> Date: 20 juillet 2010 19:42:22 HAEC
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Wikis caching layer pilot
> Hello folks,
> I've just started a pilot project that adds an extra caching layer to This layer is active only for unauthenticated users and might result in these users (and only these users) seeing content that is 5-10 minutes stale. The content looks the same as if the caching was not in place (except for the temporary staleness), but it is delivered to users _a lot_ faster than without the cache. This allows me to significantly reduce the load on the wiki server, which in turn makes the wiki faster for the authenticated users.
> The goal is to make this layer transparent to users, and if everything worked reliably I wouldn't even need to tell you about this change, but in reality the entire site is a relatively complicated system of servers that talk to each other and sometimes things don't work as intended.
> I believe this was the case when you reported to me that some pages were occasionally not completely rendering or that you were receiving "Bad Request" error messages. This was happening during the period when I was alpha-testing this new caching layer and taking it offline resolved the issues. I'm hoping that I now have these issues resolved, but would like to hear from you if you are still seeing some issues.
> The caching layer is now in production, so if you see any issues that you haven't experienced a few days ago, please let me know.
> thanks,
> Igor
