RE: Local Strings in GlassFish

From: Koper, Dies (FAST) <"Koper,>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 11:11:49 +1000

Hi Jerome,

Your counter-proposal (or at least the client example) seems to go
against the logging mechanism explained for GFv3.1 at the Logging wiki:

We should just pass message keys to logger.log(...) and let it handle
the lookup of the messages. That way the code looks cleaner too.

The problem with encouraging the developers to keep putting all their
messages in instead of using is that it makes the effort of creating diag
messages and message ids so much harder.

I think Byron's proposal is only target at exception messages (which
don't use Logger) so there is no issue.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerome Dochez []
> Sent: Wednesday, 21 July 2010 15:39
> To:
> Subject: Re: Local Strings in GlassFish
> On 7/20/10 2:55 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
> > I have a proposal for a new convention for getting localized Strings
> > at runtime. We've discussed this in Admin meetings and it was
> > that it is useful.
> >
> > Now I'm opening it up to the entire GlassFish community. Please
> > a look at this SHORT simple proposal [1]. All comments are welcome.
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> I have a counter proposal :)
> Let's leverage injection to figure out which instance of StringManager
> should be injected...
> For instance :
> @Service
> @PerLookup
> public class StringManager implements Injectable {
> StringManagerImpl delegate;
> public void injectedInto(Object target) {
> delegate = StringManager.getManager(target.getClass());
> }
> public String get(String label, Object... args) {
> return delegate.get(label, args);
> }
> }
> Now in the client code ...
> @Service
> public RandomCode implements RandomContract {
> @Inject
> StringManager strMgr;
> public void someMethod(....) {
> logger.log(strMgr.get("mylabe", foo, bar));
> }
> }
> The key to understand the code above is Injectable, check hk2
> it means that the StringManager has a chance to know where it is being
> injected into...
> Advantages : no extra code needed per package, no static field
> whasoever
> (YEAH !), every gets garbaged collected in the right time.
> Disavantages : we have to change all StringManager pattern and it
> requires DI (habitat lookup will not work here since Injectable
> interface only works when injected).
> We should do the same thing with Logger.
> Jerome
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