Re: start-cluster / list-instances

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 14:42:34 -0700
Why not just do what list-instances is doing?  We don't yet have a working reliable way of getting the status of an instance.

What list-instances does -- while waiting for the status code to get finished -- is to call uptime on the servers. 

asadmin uptime --port the-http-port-number

If that command doesn't work -- then your servers are not really running.

What do you see with "start-local-instance --verbose" ??

On 7/17/2010 2:10 PM, Rajiv Mordani wrote:
./asadmin list-instances --verbose
Instance Name   Host Name   Admin Port   Cluster   Current State
inst1           bear           14848      clust1   Not Running
inst2           bear           24848      clust1   Not Running
inst3           bear           34848      clust1   Not Running

However all the 3 instances are in fact running and as shown below the ports are occupied and when I kill the java processes corresponding to the instances these ports are free.

Command list-instances executed successfully.
% netstat -a | grep 14848
tcp6       0      0 [::]:14848              [::]:*                  LISTEN
% netstat -a | grep 24848
tcp6       0      0 [::]:24848              [::]:*                  LISTEN
% netstat -a | grep 34848
tcp6       0      0 [::]:34848              [::]:*                  LISTEN

- Rajiv

On 07/17/2010 01:03 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
Note to all:  use the "--verbose" option for list-instances the moment you see anything unexpected.

what does list-instances --verbose say?

On 7/17/2010 12:19 PM, Rajiv Mordani wrote:
    I did an update of the workspace and built the latest workspace. When I execute create-cluster followed by create-instance to create 3 instances that are tied to the cluster that I just created the start-cluster commands returns that it failed to start the 3 instances that are part of the cluster but the 3 instances are infact running. When I do a asadmin list-instances that also returns that the instances are not running. Is anyone else seeing this behaviour? I am creating all the instances on the same host as the DAS btw.

- Rajiv

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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188