Re: where do I put _at_Contract interfaces?

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 18:31:47 -0700
This may or may not be useful...

DTrace was setup as follows and it worked quite elegantly (nice job with the architecture Jerome & Kohsuke)

  1. [common/glassfish-api]:  org.glassfish.api.monitoring.DTraceContract   has the contract
  2. value-add has the implementation
  3. monitoring has the code that sees if the contract is "implemented"


You may want to put the startup service where all the others are -- to make life easier...

On 6/10/2010 6:16 PM, Bobby Bissett wrote:
you don't have a small bundle that does not depend on GMS ? that would be another obvious location for that startup service...

I agree, but we don't have anything like that now. Just a small (one class really) gms-adapter module that does the GlassFish-specific configuration for the group management service.

I suppose I could add another module for this and the contract interface, but that seems like a lot to add another module just for those classes. (On the other hand, it would give us a place for the code that needs to handle upgrade.)


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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188