Re: how to get my module in the modules dir

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 10:05:30 -0400

>> The version will be the shoal.version property in v3/pom.xml.
>> Currently I have it locally as 1.5-SNAPSHOT since we don't know yet
>> how to put anything besides a snapshot in there.
> This is a problem and you will need to figure out how to publish
> versioned shoal artifact and include non-snapshot dependency very
> fast since build promotion cannot go through if you use snapshots.
> Jane will be on your case - on the other hand, she will probably
> also be able to help you with that :-)

Well, I wasn't going to commit it that way. :) Why make Jane's life
any harder? As you know by now from some other emails, she got us
going with a real release, so we have a 1.5 out there now. And like
you mention, I've moved the dependency to the top level pom. Will
commit all that today.

>> One note: the shoal-gms.jar file may be broken up into an api and
>> an impl jar later. Will it be hard to redo the IPS packaging then?
>> IOW, is it something we can do for you or are we going to runin
>> your day unexpectedly?
> Once the packager module is in place, you can take care of this sort
> of thing yourself - in the worst case scenario you will need to
> adjust artifact names in the pom file and I trust you can do that :-)

I admire your confidence, heh heh.

> So, now I need to pick your brain some more since I need to know
> where exactly to make the cut in package content boundaries. The
> whole idea behind dedicated package for Shoal content was to be
> able to decouple it and potentially make it pluggable, i.e. so you
> could easily remove the package with Shoal content and replace it
> with, say, Coherence - see 3.1 feature PKG-003 as reference...
> So, in that scenario, would gms-adapter module work only with Shoal
> and you would need another adapter module for Coherence, or would
> gms-adapter be generic adapter on GF side and it would work with
> multiple frameworks?

Right now the gms-adapter module is specific to Shoal. It was written
just as a way to decouple the Shoal module from GF so it's not always
loaded, but I don't see why it couldn't be extended. Joe, do you have
an opinion on that?
