Re: JDBCRealm allows only one column name to be specified for group memberships table

From: Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2010 12:28:05 +0530

Byron Nevins wrote:
> I wrote a blog about this subject area-- it may or may not be useful.
> Take a look...
> On 5/6/2010 2:29 PM, Stijn de Witt wrote:
>> Hi, it's me again, still crunching on the JDBCRealm.
>> Now that I have found the ability to debug Glassfish code itself
>> (thanks again Dies!) I am making good progress. But I noticed
>> something weird that I was already puzzled about when making the config.
>> In the JDBCRealm config, you specify the tables that hold your users
>> and group memberships, and the columns in those tables that the
>> JDBCRealm must use to be able to query the database and check whether
>> the given username and password were correct and what groups that
>> user is in. E.G:
>> User Table: PVPluimen.accounts
>> User Name Column: username
>> Password Column: password
>> Group Table: PVPluimen.memberships
>> group Name Column: groupid
>> What puzzled me from the beginning is that there are two colums
>> specified for the User Table (username and password in my case), but
>> there is only one column for the Group Table (groupid in my case).
>> "Huh?", I thought, "Where do I specify the user name column for the
>> group table?"
>> I saw two options:
>> 1) The username column in the group table *must* have the same name
>> as the username column in the users table, or
>> 2) The JDBCRealm is very smart and only needs to know one part of the
>> primary key, because the other part will automatically be the
>> username column.
>> I feared it would be option 1, and hoped it would be option 2.
>> Debugging has now confirmed that it is, unfortunately, option 1.
>> Why?
>> Wouldn't it be much more flexible to just add an extra configuration
>> parameter here: Group Username Column?
>> I am in the luxury position that I am able to tailor-make my
>> authorization tables to fit the JDBCRealm, but anyone coming from
>> a legacy system with an existing datamodel may not be so lucky. For
>> example this seems to be a very realistic datamodel to me:
>> TABLE users {
>> name,
>> password
>> }
>> TABLE groups {
>> name
>> }
>> TABLE memberships {
>> groupname,
>> username
>> }
>> If you have such an existing datamodel, you would have to write
>> conversion code to rename the 'name' column in the 'users' table,
>> create some extra database view or extend the JDBCRealm in code to
>> add the extra property, to be able to use the JDBCRealm. I don't
>> really understand this design decision. One extra property would give
>> maximum flexibility, but leaving it out immediately puts severe
>> restrictions on the kinds of datamodels that may benefit from using
>> the JDBCRealm out of the box.
>> What do you guys think? Should I open up a JIRA issue (enhancement
>> request) for it? Or am I missing something fundamental here and is
>> there actually a very good reason for this design that I am just missing?
We also have a parameter :

PARAM_GROUP_TABLE_USER_NAME_COLUMN = "group-table-user-name-column";

But i guess we maynot have it in V2.X. We have it in V3.

>> With kind regards,
>> -Stijn
> --
> Byron Nevins - Oracle Corporation
> Home: 650-359-1290
> Cell: 650-784-4123
> Sierra: 209-295-2188
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