Re: REST API and slashes in resource names

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 20:29:54 -0500

On 5/28/10 4:41 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> I meant &slash; or whatever the html equivalent is.
Oh. OK. I think Ken's right that that would pose problems as well,
since & means something already in URLs.
> It's kind of ugly, but it was created for a similar purpose.
> Read the RFC for details:

> No git, hg is the way of the future! :-)
I'd say I look forward to the religious debate, but I think that
decision for GF has already been made by people above my pay grade. :P
> I don't see how "{jndi/foo}" solves the original problem.
> Doesn't that just look like two elements in the URL name -
> "{jndi" and "foo}"?
That's a good point, though me still be able to manage, as it seems
Jersey uses a regex to match resource identifiers in the URL.

Nevertheless, I'm mostly happy with the double encoding approach (see
diff here: If there are no complaints,
I'll commit this change and press forward with this approach.

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964