Re: copyright date

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 08:17:50 -0700

see inline:

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Jane Young wrote on 03/23/2010 06:01 PM:
>> Hi Bill,
>> I looked into the maven-license-plugin
>> (
>> We can use this in our GF workspace and update/replace all the files
>> (*.java, *.properties, *.xml, etc) with the same license header file.
> Except that they *shouldn't* all have the same license header.
>> This can be an one time step to update and commit the files and then
>> added to the build (pom.xml) such that it will check for any files
>> w/o a header or the wrong year and fail the build.
>> Some files have the following years: "Copyright 1997-2010" and
>> "Copyright 1998-2010. Using the maven-license-plugin, it will update
>> all the files to use the same year: "Copyright 2010". Are you okay
>> with this?
> Absolutely not. That would be wrong.
> 1. Not all files have been modified this year.
If there is a new copyright file for Oracle then all files will need to
be updated? The year will have to be updated as well?

> 2. We need to keep the first copyright year as well.
Even if we change to a new header for "Oracle" file?
Can we update all the files with ${first-year}-${current-year}? The
${first-year} is the inception of GF open source?

>> Also, the copyright file has "Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights
>> reserved." We should change that to say Oracle?
> I'm still waiting for someone to tell us to do that; I assume
> it's only a matter of time.
>> Is there an updated Copyright file I can use as a template ?
> It depends on the license of the file. I think what you had is
> correct for files that should be licensed under CDDL/GPL. But
> some files have only an Apache or BSD license, some files have
> a CDDL/GPL license *and* one of two slightly different Apache licenses.
> It's complicated. You can't just blindly change everything.
Do we know which files have Apache or BSD license? I can do a "find &
grep" in the GF workspace to find out.
The maven-license-plugin can be configured to exclude and include files
for different headers.
> Working with Lloyd, I believe we got all the *.java files to have
> the correct license and copyright date. If there's a maven plugin
> that can ensure the copyright date is always correct, and it can
> handle the date ranges we have in most files, it's worth considering.
> Run it on the current workspace and show me the output.
Using the CDDL/GPL license template above and executing "mvn
license:format -Dyear=2010" on the current v3 workspace updates the
following files:
(internal link).

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