Re: module directory name in maven output

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:42:45 -0500

On Mar 17, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:

> Well, that does get the information out there, but it's pretty well
> obscured in the maven chit-chat. Seems like a kludge to have to
> resort
> to ant to do this too. :-) But, it's better than not having the
> information at all.
I agree on all counts!

The <echo> could, of course, use multiple lines and rows of stars or
something like that so the build directory message would stand out
better, but that might be only marginally better.

I disliked this approach less than I disliked the mangled module name
one because (1) the name stays clean, and (2) it requires a single set
of changes in the global pom which then takes effect for all other
modules, rather than involving individual changes in each of the many
module-level poms.

Ideally there would be an easy way to add to the initial

"Building ${moduleName}"

message about what's being built, but I have no idea whether that
comes from yet another plug-in or whether that's more hard-wired in

Another possibility: add our own plug-in or modify one we've already
built to output just the build directory. The enforcer plug-in, for
example, runs very early and emits a single line after the
"Building..." message. Maybe that means that plug-ins can emit a
single line while invoking ant creates much more noise??

- Tim