Re: copyright 2010

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 11:12:57 -0800

Carla Mott wrote on 01/07/2010 10:27 AM:
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> The dates were all updated based on svn checkin date, according to
>> Bill, who wrote the tool.
>> There is no reason a file can't have existed in 2009 without being
>> changed.
> I can't parse this statement because of all the negatives. I'm in the
> process of updating some files that have a 2004 copyright header. They
> were moved from the v2 workspace and never changed (May 2005). Many of
> the files are unchanged since the repository was
> created and the header is different than the one that we are using
> currently. From this discussion it seems that since the file has not
> changed in all this time is contains the correct heade, assuming that
> the header was not supposed to be changed when it was initially brought
> into v3.
> The complete header in the file is:
> # Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
> # SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
> I plan on making changes to some of these files so those will have the
> headers updated but I'm not going to necessarily change all of the
> files.

The headers absolutely need to be updated to contain the correct
copyright/license text. Make the copyright date "2004-2010" to keep
it simple.

I'm still waiting on a decision from Abhijit as to which non-Java
files must have copyright/license text in them. For now, we're not
requiring that for property files.