Re: Changing Stdout/Stderr loggers

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 14:06:47 -0800

Hi Scott,

Jerome and I were just talking about this general issue the other day.
That is the usage of anonymous loggers in v3. The conclusion was that
we'd go through the code and figure out which anonymous loggers can be
changed to use a GF logger. The logging service is one of the first
services to start up but it is not the first. I believe one issue is
that we can have messages that need to be logged before the logging
service is started.

I'll look into changing the loggers that are used for std out/err to not
be anonymous loggers. Most likely will not happen for v3 unless you can
convince Jerome that it should.


Scott Oaks wrote:
> In v3, the standard out/err loggers now appear to be anonymous loggers,
> which means that we cannot control their output directly. The
> can have something like
> .level=OFF
> so that the anonymous loggers inherit that default setting, but that
> affects other loggers not defined in the file.
> Is this really the intended behavior, or am I missing something? We
> often see developers write noisy applications that use
> System.out.println or printStackTrace() and need turn off those messages
> during production. Yes, they should use a logger, but they don't always
> do so, and previously we've always just adjusted the system.out/err
> logging properties.
> -Scott
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