Re: broken pipe when running asadmin

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 14:08:43 -0700

On 9/2/09 2:05 PM, Bobby Bissett wrote:
> Any ideas how I got myself stuck in this position?
> --- begin ---
> hostname% ps -ef | grep java
> 501 35518 245 0 0:00.00 ttys001 0:00.00 grep java
> hostname%
> hostname% asadmin start-domain domain1
what is the path of this asadmin? maybe it is not the one you want ?

> JVM failed to start: Broken pipe
> Command start-domain failed.
> --- end ---
> I was trying to start asadmin with Runtime.exec() inside upgrade tool
> and was hitting this, but I've exited all java processes and see it
> with the command line asadmin now as well. I can then run the server
> with "java -jar modules/ [etc]" but trying asadmin gives me the above
> error. This is new territory for me, so I'd appreciate any help.
> I can use "java -jar glassfish.jar" instead of asadmin easily enough,
> but the output is so verbose that I don't want to show anything to the
> user. (Ideally I show the welcome message of the process to the user
> as it happens, then parse server.log to see if there were any SEVERE
> or WARNING level messages and report them to the user).
> Thanks,
> Bobby
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