Hi Andy,
On 09/23/09 07:39, Andy Knight wrote:
> My research indicates that Tomcat, by default, has a configuration
> parameter called *enableLookups*. By default this is *false*. Under
> such circumstances an invocation of request.getRemoteHost() (when the
> host is the localhost) returns (or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 if
> you're running Mac OS X).
> If I change *enableLookups *to *true,* request.getRemoteHost() returns
> the string *localhost* as expected.
> When I deploy my web application to GlassFish and cause the same JSP
> code to run, I get the IP address as I would by default in Tomcat.
> How do I configure GlassFish to enable lookups in the way that Tomcat
> behaves?
use the following attribute:
- In GlassFish v2.x:
- In GlassFish v3:
> <http://www.sun.com> Andy Knight
> Principal Engineer,
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Java House, Guillemont Park, Minley Road,
> Camberley, Surrey GU17 9QG United Kingdom
> Home office: +44 1494 462438
> Mobile: +44 7775 583415
> Skype: aprknight
> Email: Andy.Knight_at_Sun.COM <mailto:Andy.Knight_at_Sun.COM>
> Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/andky
> <http://www.sun.com>