Re: osgi cache in domains (it's laaaaarge)

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 13:15:34 -0700

Not an authoritative answer... but fwiw, I delete the osgicache
directory often when restarting the server (to ensure no caching is
being done between changes that I've made). The cache always gets
repopulated, I have not noticed any negative side effects.


Bobby Bissett wrote:
> Again, in the category of things I may not know that I don't know:
> After starting and stopping the server one time my domain has gained
> over 50 Meg (and that's gzipped) of extra poundage in cached osgi
> bits. My experience shows that I can remove domain1/osgi-cache and
> restart the server just fine, but reality often trumps experience.
> Will that cause me any issues I'm not seeing now?
> I just ask because I sometimes need to attach zipped domains to bug
> reports and don't want to include the cache if I don't need to. I
> assume the cache gets overwritten as needed, but wanted a sanity check.
> Thanks,
> Bobby
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