Re: FindBugs support

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 10:46:56 -0700

Bobby Bissett wrote on 9/17/09 10:06 AM:
>> Thanks to Jane and Terena, there is now a FindBugs Hudson job:
>> Our goal remains zero high priority FindBugs errors for v3. Please help
>> me by fixing the current errors ASAP.
> Ding ding. I'm the winner. I have the most, and they're all in
> packages, none of which are controlled by me:
> Can we exclude these from the findbugs process? If so, just point me in
> the right direction.

So the Java Help package is owned by someone else at Sun and we're just
using the binaries that they built?

If you look at the details of the FindBugs errors, you'll see many of
them that likely represent real bugs in Java Help. Can you report these
errors to the owner of Java Help and see if they can be fixed?

As a last resort, we can exclude these bugs from our report. Jagadesh
can help you construct a FindBugs exclude file. Look for exclude.xml
in the workspace and you'll see other examples, as well as the one
property you'll need to set in your pom.xml to enable use of your
exclude file.

> Ideally, the java help bits wouldn't be in the
> upgrade tool jar, but I guess that made sense to someone at the time.

Maybe you can fix that too? :-)