Re: Metro logger root

From: Potociar Marek <Marek.Potociar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 12:06:25 +0200

Hello Jerome,
just a friendly reminder - can you please answer the mail below?

Thank you,

On 10.9.2009, at 14:02, Potociar Marek wrote:

> Hello Jerome,
> Metro currently (unfortunately) doesn't have a single root logger
> for all Metro code. The most prevailing root loggers in Metro are
> "javax.enterprise.resource.webservices" and "" .We
> would like to consolidate and agree on a single common root logger
> name for all Metro code in Metro v2.0.
> The best option to us seems to be "". Please, let me
> know if GF team would be OK with such change. Once I have a go from
> you, I would do the necessary changes in Metro code and send the
> list of Metro logging domains to Carla Mott.
> Many thanks,
> Marek