Re: asadmin list-jndi-entries in v3

From: Kim Haase <Camilla.Haase_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 09:39:18 -0400

I believe this is a situation somewhat like issue 9160
(, which I
filed yesterday for the list-jms-hosts command (I put the wrong command
name in the title, but I can't fix it right now because is down).

The --target option or the target operand should always be optional for
v3 because it is needed only in a clustering environment.

When the list-jndi-entries command forces you to supply the target
operand, actually any string seems to work ("server", "domain1", "mom").
For list-jms-hosts, though, I get an error with anything but "server"
(here it's an option, not an operand).

Hope this helps,

Kim Haase

On 08/19/09 04:34, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:
> list-jndi-entries in v3 (b59) requires an explicit "target" (v2.x does
> not) :
>> % bin/asadmin --help list-jndi-entries
>> NAME :
>> list-jndi-entries -
>> list-jndi-entries [--context=context] target
>> --context
>> Command list-jndi-entries executed successfully.
> Is "target" necessarily a domain name?
> If it is, could this command not require the domain name if there's only
> a domain1 present (like start-domain does)?
> If not, online help should hint what else can be provided.
> thanks,
> -Alexis
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