Looking for a replacement class in GFv3 for a missing class from GFv2

From: Potociar Marek <Marek.Potociar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 21:33:31 +0200


I am trying to adapt Metro WS transactions code to be compliant with
repackaging and API changes in GFv3. One of the classes from GFv2
Metro TX code depends on is
"com.sun.enterprise.webservice.WsTxUtils[1]" from appserv-rt.jar. The
class was used to provide the host name and port of the secure or non-
secure http listener for the default virtual server in the running
server instance. It seems however, that it has not been moved to GFv3
at all. Is there already any utility in GFv3 that I could use instead
of old GFv2 WsTxUtils class? If yes, where can I find it? If no, what
would be a suitable module and package to introduce such utility
method/class in GFv3? (Once the class is there I can take care of its
proper implementation for GFv3)

Many thanks,
