Re: Looking for a replacement class in GFv3 for a missing class from GFv2

From: Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 13:02:08 -0700

Please see inline

Potociar Marek wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to adapt Metro WS transactions code to be compliant with
> repackaging and API changes in GFv3. One of the classes from GFv2
> Metro TX code depends on is
> "com.sun.enterprise.webservice.WsTxUtils[1]" from appserv-rt.jar. The
> class was used to provide the host name and port of the secure or
> non-secure http listener for the default virtual server in the running
> server instance.

Pavel has done some work using
com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Config class to get the host name
and port. Check with him too See WsUtil.getWebserverInfoForDAS for more
> It seems however, that it has not been moved to GFv3 at all. Is there
> already any utility in GFv3 that I could use instead of old GFv2
> WsTxUtils class? If yes, where can I find it? If no, what would be a
> suitable module and package to introduce such utility method/class in
> GFv3? (Once the class is there I can take care of its proper
> implementation for GFv3)
Most required (if not all) classes from com.sun.enterprise.webservice
are in webservices/jsr109-impl module so if you need this then you can
put it there
> Many thanks,
> Marek
> [1]:
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