Re: archive deploy to V3 over http api

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 12:10:41 -0700

Wow, ok this is weird. I guess I got bitten by 8408, though in my case,
it occurred always, until I restarted the server (nothing was in the log).

Now, it doesn't happen at all. Everything is working as expected, no
matter how many times I restart. This is with both B55 and B56. If it
happens again, I'll add a comment to #8408.


Peter Williams wrote:
> Thanks for all this information.
> The chunking error was from CLI. From my NetBeans code, it was a
> different error (nondescript -- just a failure code with no message).
> However, I restarted the server to reset the log and upon doing so,
> CLI deploys started working. Go figure.
> I'll dig into it tomorrow. I have some ideas.
> Thanks again for the insights.
> -Peter
> Tim Quinn wrote:
>> Hi, Peter.
>> I think earlier you wrote about getting some kind of chunking error?
>> Is the NB plug-in doing this (copied from the RemoteCommand class
>> which is what handle the http request and response):
>> urlConnection.setChunkedStreamingMode(0); // use default value
>> I was involved in inserting the payload handling into the
>> CLIRemoteCommand (RemoteCommand's predecessor) which has survived
>> intact in RemoteCommand, and I seem to recall having problems without
>> that.
>> Also, here is the wiki page that Kedar wrote describing the protocol:
>> Here's a link to a separate page mostly focused on describing the
>> REST interface for accessing configuration information (as opposed to
>> performing actions such as deploying, etc.) but it says a little
>> about the URL format:
>> I think that for what you are doing from the NB plug-in Kedar is the
>> best source for up-to-date information, although what has been
>> discussed on this thread so far is accurate as far as I know.
>> - Tim
>> Peter Williams wrote:
>>> Hong Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>> I tried to deploy with CLI (old and new syntax) and I get
>>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: remote
>>>>>>> failure: Invalid chunk header
>>>>>>> Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>> So archive deploy is not working? Or I made a mistake, in which
>>>>>>> case this error message is not very helpful.
>>>>>> Indeed that's a strange message.
>>>>>> I have an up-to-date workspace (as of last night at least) and
>>>>>> for me
>>>>>> asadmin deploy --upload=true ...
>>>>>> works...both from the same system as the server and from a
>>>>>> physically separate one. I don't have a pure installation of a
>>>>>> recent nightly or promoted build installed on my system. Sorry
>>>>>> if I missed it - did you mention what build you are using?
>>>>> Client was B55 and B56. Server unknown, but probably B55.
>>>>>> Most of the server-side logic for the deployment processing and
>>>>>> the uploaded file handling has been unchanged for some time. The
>>>>>> CLI has gone through some recent work but I'm not seeing any
>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>> Did your server.log contain anything interesting from the failed
>>>>>> deployment?
>>>>> I'll check...
>>>>>> Issue 8408
>>>>>> describes an intermittent failure like what you've seen. Does
>>>>>> the error persist if you retry the deployment? (The issue seems
>>>>>> to indicate a first-time problem -- occasionally.)
>>>>> The error happened always.
>>>> Is your archive pretty big?
>>> No, only 2940 bytes.
>>>> That message most times indicates a deployment time out (yes, we do
>>>> need to figure out a way to make that error message more
>>>> meaningful). If you try with a simple app, does it make a difference?
>>> It's a default NetBeans web app - contains index.jsp, web.xml, and
>>> sun-web.xml.
>>> Not going to get much simpler than that.
>>> -Peter
>>>> - Hong
>>>>>> - Tim
>>>>>>> -Peter
>>>>>>> Peter Williams wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hong Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi, Peter
>>>>>>>>> What kind of error did you get? Did this just stop
>>>>>>>>> working recently or it has never worked?
>>>>>>>> I don't know. I've never tried it before.
>>>>>>>> Can you comment on my interpretation of requirements? I guess
>>>>>>>> I can look at CLI client if this works there (I haven't tried
>>>>>>>> that, but I presume it does).
>>>>>>>>> We don't have an upload option in the
>>>>>>>>> DeployCommandParameters in the server side (the upload option
>>>>>>>>> for admin cli case is handled by the client side).
>>>>>>>> That's fine. Given that it can be inferred from the POST
>>>>>>>> request type, it would be redundant anyway.
>>>>>>>> -Peter
>>>>>>>>> This is probably why the url with the upload option does not
>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> - Hong
>>>>>>>>> Peter Williams wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I'm working on remote (or just archive) deploy to V3 from
>>>>>>>>>> NetBeans and having trouble with the deploy command
>>>>>>>>>> I've been given the impression that the format is as follows
>>>>>>>>>> -- is correct?
>>>>>>>>>> URL - no rules - I'm guessing at this point but I would have
>>>>>>>>>> thought something like
>>>>>>>>>> "http://$server:$port/__asadmin/deploy?name=$name&upload=true"
>>>>>>>>>> would have been sufficient. And since it's a POST request,
>>>>>>>>>> perhaps even upload is redundant.
>>>>>>>>>> Request type - POST
>>>>>>>>>> Content type - application/zip
>>>>>>>>>> Body - binary zip file containing the archive to be deployed
>>>>>>>>>> (e.g war file, ear file, etc).
>>>>>>>>>> I haven't been able to get this to work --
>>>>>>>>>> The CLI deploy command has a "upload" option documented, but
>>>>>>>>>> including this over the HTTP api causes an error.
>>>>>>>>>> The HTTP api is requiring a path parameter though what that
>>>>>>>>>> could possibly mean for remote deployment escapes me. If I
>>>>>>>>>> refer to a valid local (to the server) file, the server
>>>>>>>>>> cheats but if I refer to an invalid file, the command is failed.
>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone know if this works and/or what the requirements are?
>>>>>>>>>> -Peter
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